Personal Injury Lawyers Fort Wayne | Warsaw Indiana

Federal Officials Propose Rule Changes For Commercial Truck Drivers

tractor-trailer in the rear-view mirror approaches a car from behind on the highway.

A Fort Wayne truck accident lawyer explains how the changes could prevent serious crashes involving tractor-trailers.

To reduce the number of semi-truck accidents in Indiana and other places throughout the country, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) recently proposed several rule changes for commercial truck drivers, commercial motor vehicles (CMV), and commercial trucking companies.

"The proposed changes to CMV operations, inspection, repair, and maintenance regulations prioritize safety and security and promote innovation," according to an announcement from the FMCSA quoted on the Trucking Info website.

Any effort designed to reduce the number of commercial truck accidents is welcome news. Unfortunately, as our experienced Fort Wayne truck accident attorneys at Boughter Sinak, LLC know, collisions caused by commercial truck drivers often result in severe injuries and fatalities.

Proposed commercial truck regulation changes

The FMCSA recently proposed 13 rule changes that apply to commercial truck drivers and trucking companies nationwide. These proposed rule changes were listed in a recent Significant Rulemaking Report issued by the federal government.

Many of the existing federal regulations that apply to commercial truck drivers can be found in Title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations. All proposed rule changes are subject to public comment before going into effect. The proposed rule changes include the following:

  • Requiring large commercial trucks that weigh more than 26,000 pounds to be equipped with a device that limits the maximum speed limit that such large trucks can travel. (Listed as RIN 2126-AB63 in the recent Significant Rulemaking Report)
  • Installing automatic emergency brakes (AEB) in large commercial trucks, standardizing AEB systems in all commercial trucks, and establishing standardized testing procedures for AEB systems. (RIN 2126-AC49)
  • Improving the process for identifying commercial truck drivers who are not fit to operate a truck by relying on enhanced data and technology to identify such drivers and remove them from operating a truck. (RIN 2126-AC5)
  • Revising the medical examiner's handbook (MEH) used by medical examiners (MEs) to measure a commercial truck driver's physical fitness.
  • Requiring commercial trucking companies that transport commercial goods to publish quarterly reports documenting all complaints from consumers or shipping companies. (RIN 2126-AB01)

Truck trailer of an 18-wheeler

Why should you hire a Fort Wayne truck accident attorney?

Collisions caused by commercial truck drivers are among the most complex legal cases. Part of that is different regulations that apply to commercial truck drivers and trucking companies, as explained above.

But that's not the only reason claims often become complicated. Part of it has to do with who's at fault. Unfortunately, there's usually more than one at-fault party in many truck accident cases. As a result, determining who's responsible for compensating you for your injury-related expenses can be challenging.

At Boughter Sinak, LLC, we know how to handle complex legal cases, identify all the liable parties, and aggressively advocate for the compensation you're entitled to under the law. Our legal team has worked with injury victims and their families in Indiana for decades.

This is your opportunity to demand the compensation you deserve. Make your case count. Contact us and schedule your free case evaluation with an Indiana truck accident attorney you can trust.

We have two offices conveniently located in Fort Wayne and South Bend, and we proudly handle cases throughout the state. In addition, we work on a contingency fee basis. That means if we don't win, you don't pay. Contact us today to learn more.

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