Personal Injury Lawyers Fort Wayne | Warsaw Indiana

Product Liability Lawyers in Indiana

Our law firm stands up for people hurt by dangerous products

Every product on the market, from toys to vehicles and anything in between, should be safe - or at the very least, should have clear warnings indicating any safety risks. Manufacturers owe a duty of care to their consumers and the public at large to make safety their top priority. Unfortunately, some manufacturers put profits ahead of people, and serious injuries result.

If you were hurt by a dangerous product, you have the right to file a personal injury claim. A product liability lawyer at Boughter Sinak, LLC can help you every step of the way. We know how to take on the manufacturers and fight for the justice your family deserves.

Understanding Product Liability Law

Manufacturers are legally responsible for any defects in their products that result in injury to consumers and others. There are three main types of defects that can lead to injury:

  • Design defect - Flaws in a product's design can cause the product to be dangerous even when used according to the manufacturer's instructions.
  • Manufacturing defect - While the product's design is sound, errors in the manufacturing process can cause some or all products to be dangerous. For example, some factories may have used cheaper, flimsier materials, or some products may have been assembled incorrectly, causing a risk of failure.
  • Failure to warn (marketing defect) - Some products are inherently dangerous, no matter how well designed. Power tools can cause injury. Medications can have side effects. And in each case, the manufacturer has a duty to warn consumers of any dangers so that they can make informed decisions and take appropriate steps to protect themselves. Failure to provide such warnings opens the manufacturer to liability.

If your injury involved a dangerous product, we need to prove that a defect caused by the manufacturer was responsible for your injury. That's a tall order. That's where we come in.

Dedicated attorneys who fight to hold manufacturers accountable

Manufacturers often vigorously fight product liability claims. They have deep pockets and substantial assets to protect, and they often hire entire teams of attorneys to make these claims go away. They don't intimidate us. We're prepared to fight for you every step of the way.

Our investigation can build a strong case designed to hold the manufacturer responsible for your injury. We can work with you to determine the full amount of damages you're owed. In many cases, we can negotiate a fair settlement with the manufacturer. If that doesn't happen, we can bring hard evidence and well-crafted arguments to trial and fight for your rights before a judge and jury.

Put your trust in a law firm that fights hard for injured consumers and their families. Turn to the product liability lawyers at Boughter Sinak, LLC. You can come to our offices in Fort Wayne or Warsaw, or we can travel to meet with you anywhere in Indiana. Schedule your free consultation today by calling 1-877-962-4373.

Fort Wayne

5150 W Jefferson Blvd,
Fort Wayne, IN 46804 260-420-4878


215 S Lake St, Suite 1
Warsaw, IN 46580 574-208-1001

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