Have you ever sent a quick text while you were driving down the road? Or taken advantage of a red light to check social media? Have you ever eaten a snack while driving to or from work? If you have, then you’re not alone. But each is an example of distracted driving.
While many drivers won’t admit to it, multitasking while driving is all around us. Some drivers may check social media apps, or eat and drink while on their way to work. Many drivers have become so accustomed to distraction that it’s second nature. However, that doesn’t mean they can do it safely.
What harm can it really do?
Some drivers may not think it’s a big deal. A quick glance down, or a quick bite - but that’s all the time it takes to get into a collision. A car accident happens in a fraction of a second. That quick glance can change someone’s life forever.
Many people believe that they are good at multitasking. Some believe that texting while driving isn’t actually dangerous when they are the ones doing it. The truth of the matter is that those who are actually able to multitask well know better than to try while driving.
Researcher Bryan Reimer of MIT studies driver attention and the cognitive demands posed by distraction. Speaking at the Harvard luncheon event “Texting Ourselves to Death” last year, Reimer noted in a study that compared crashes and near misses, he found that “the moment in which a driver hears a ringtone or social media notification and decides to pick up is when they lose the most situational awareness and become vulnerable to crashing.”
Reimer also showed videos of actions taken by drivers behind the wheel – including “taking off a sweatshirt, putting in eye drops, and swiping on a tablet propped on the steering wheel.”
These are behaviors that would not have been acceptable even five years ago, Reimer said.
In 2016 alone, distracted driving was responsible for 3,450 accident fatalities and 391,000 injuries, according to data released by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
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The legal team at Boughter Sinak, LLC has spent years recovering millions for injured people throughout Indiana. Our Indiana car accident attorneys fight hard for our clients, and we have the results to prove it. If you were injured in an accident, don’t wait. Contact our office today.