Personal Injury Lawyers Fort Wayne | Warsaw Indiana

Burns and Explosions at Work

An injury attorney you can trust

Burn injuries happen in workplaces every day. Burns can be exceptionally painful and require a lengthy, expensive treatment process. In the meantime, you may be unable to work. You might even be permanently disfigured or disabled due to a burning or scalding injury.

To your employer's insurance company, your injury is just exposure to their bottom line. To us, you're an injured worker in need of help. The work injury attorneys at Boughter Sinak, LLC can fight for the care and compensation you deserve.

Types of burn injuries

In general, burning and scalding injuries are classified into three degrees:

  • First degree: The burn damages only the outer layer of skin. Healing is usually fairly quick, but these burns can still be painful and disruptive.
  • Second degree: Both the outer and middle layer of skin are damaged. These burns may take weeks to heal, and they may leave permanent scars.
  • Third degree: All three layers of skin are damaged, which usually leads to permanent scarring. Healing may take months and skin grafts may be needed to treat the damage.

Burn injuries can happen in any profession at any time. However, workers in certain industries are more at risk. These include workers who are commonly in close proximity to heat sources, such as restaurant workers, tradesmen, factory workers and construction workers.

How an attorney can help

The cost of treatment for a burn injury, especially a third-degree burn, can be substantial. You may be out of work for weeks or months. Workers' compensation is supposed to help you through this difficult time, but your employer's insurance company may dispute the extent of your injuries or refuse to pay for certain treatments. An attorney from our firm can advocate for the treatment you need.

We can thoroughly investigate and look for opportunities to file a third-party claim. Burn injuries often result from the negligence of a third party. For example, if you sustained a scalding injury due to dangerously hot tap water, the manufacturer of the water heater may be at fault. Pursuing a third-party claim can help you recover compensation for losses such as pain and suffering that are not covered under workers' compensation.

Throughout the entire process, we'll be on your side, fighting for your rights. We'll take a hard line in negotiations, at hearings and, if necessary, at trial. We'll build a strong case and demand every dime of compensation you deserve.

Contact us today to schedule your free consultation

Take your burn injury seriously right from the start. Contact us online or call 1-877-962-4373 today. You can come to us at our offices in Fort Wayne or Warsaw, or we can come to you - whether it's in your home, at work, at the hospital or some other convenient location. We would be honored to meet with you for a free consultation and start working on your case.

Fort Wayne

5150 W Jefferson Blvd,
Fort Wayne, IN 46804 260-420-4878


215 S Lake St, Suite 1
Warsaw, IN 46580 574-208-1001

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